Category Archives: self employment

I am to be published!

I have been putting off sending in my “Skeleton in the Cupboard” story for months if not years now, but finally got around to sending it off to Your Family Tree this afternoon, having been sent home without work again. I was amazed to receive the following as feedback very quickly:

Thank you so much for this, it’s great! It fits perfectly with the tone and you’ve got the style bang on as well! Thank you! Is it ok if we publish it this issue? We’d just need a picture of yourself and a short 20 word biography. Would this be ok?

I am beyond excited! Could this be the beginning of my journey into professional genealogy?

As the year comes to a close…

…I’ve been starting to think more about trying to make my dream of self-employed genealogist a reality. I’ve recently completed an on-line blogging mini-course run by Stacy Rust which was really great, and it has really inspired me to become more of a business blogger going into the next year. She also recently ran a webinar on finding your target market which I was unfortunately unable to attend live, so I look forward to watching that soon.